Slot 50 Rewards Bubble Sim
Feb 10th, 2019
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Slot 50 Rewards Bubble Sim
- repeat
- until game.Players.LocalPlayer
- if game:GetService('RunService'):IsStudio() false then
- DUPE MADE BY erick2414
- end
- local DebugService = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Assets.Modules.DebugService)
- do
- local Event, Function = game.ReplicatedStorage.Network:InvokeServer()
- if Binds[Job] then
- return DebugService:Warn(('(Client) Function %q has already been bound'):format(Job))
- Binds[Job] = f
- function Network:Call(Job, ...)
- return DebugService:Warn(('(Client) Function %q has not been bound yet'):format(Job))
- return Binds[Job](...)
- function Network:FireServer(Job, ...)
- end
- return Function:InvokeServer(Job, ...)
- function Function.OnClientInvoke(Job, ...)
- end
- Network:Call(Job, ...)
- warn('(Client) Network initialized')
- local Services = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Assets.Modules.Services)('Client')
- local BoostService = Services:GetService('BoostService')
- local CapacityService = Services:GetService('CapacityService')
- local InputService = Services:GetService('InputService')
- local BubbleService = Services:GetService('BubbleService')
- local ActivationService = Services:GetService('ActivationService')
- local GuiService = Services:GetService('GuiService')
- local MusicService = Services:GetService('MusicService')
- local AmbientService = Services:GetService('AmbientService')
- local AchievementService = Services:GetService('AchievementService')
- local HotkeyService = Services:GetService('HotkeyService')
- local EggService = Services:GetService('EggService')
- local SoundService = Services:GetService('SoundService')
- local RarityColorService = Services:GetService('RarityColorService')
- local PetBuffsService = Services:GetService('PetBuffsService')
- local PetRendering = Services:GetService('PetRendering')
- local ItemDataService = Services:GetService('ItemDataService')
- local ChestLayerService = Services:GetService('ChestLayerService')
- local ItemCollectionService = Services:GetService('ItemCollectionService')
- local ms = Services:GetService('MarketplaceService')
- local SettingsService = Services:GetService('SettingsService')
- local DialogService = Services:GetService('DialogService')
- local UIMaskService = Services:GetService('UIMaskService')
- local WorldService = Services:GetService('WorldService')
- local lowQuality = false
- lowQuality = require(script.Modules.LoadingScreen):Load()
- PetRendering.PetClass.LowQuality = lowQuality
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local table = Library('table')
- local data = Network:InvokeServer('GetPlayerData')
- local ownedPasses = Network:InvokeServer('GetPlayerPasses')
- local DataChangedEvents = {
- GuiService:CoinsChanged(data[index.COINS])
- [index.EQUIPPED_ITEMS] = function()
- GuiService:SetEquippedOnFrames(data[index.EQUIPPED_ITEMS])
- GuiService:UpdateBubble(data[index.BUBBLE_SIZE])
- [index.BUBBLE_SIZE] = function()
- GuiService:UpdateBubble(data[index.BUBBLE_SIZE])
- [index.GEMS] = function()
- end,
- GuiService:CandyCanesChanged(data[index.CANDY_CANES])
- [index.PETS] = function()
- if GuiService:GetCurrentFrame() 'PetsFrame' then
- end
- [index.HATS] = function()
- if GuiService:GetCurrentFrame() 'PetsFrame' then
- end
- [index.CHECKPOINTS] = function()
- for a, b in pairs(game.Workspace.Checkpoints:GetChildren()) do
- b.Door.Color = Color3.new(0, 1, 0)
- else
- b.Door.SurfaceGui.Enabled = true
- end
- [index.CHEST_REGEN_TIMES] = function()
- end,
- ItemCollectionService:UpdateUI()
- [index.REWARDS] = function()
- end,
- GuiService:CandyChanged(data[index.CANDY])
- [index.CLAIMED_DOMINUS] = function()
- GuiService:GetStorage().BetaThanks.Okay.Visible = not data[index.CLAIMED_DOMINUS]
- [index.BLOCKS] = function()
- end
- local function OwnedPassesChanged()
- local Door = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild('VIPDoor')
- Door:Destroy()
- end
- GuiService:UpdatePets()
- GuiService:UpdateSellButton()
- end
- local f, k = num, nil
- f, k = string.gsub(f, '^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)', '%1,%2')
- break
- end
- end
- Network:Bind('DataChanged', function(newData, index)
- data = newData
- local func = DataChangedEvents[a]
- func()
- end
- local func = DataChangedEvents[index]
- if func then
- end
- end)
- Network:Bind('PetDataChanged', function(changedPetData)
- for _, newPetEntry in next, changedPetData, nil do
- if newPetEntry[1] oldPetEntry[1] then
- break
- end
- DataChangedEvents[index.PETS]()
- Network:Bind('GetOwnedPasses', function()
- end)
- Network:Bind('PassesChanged', function(newPasses)
- OwnedPassesChanged()
- end)
- if not index then
- else
- end
- Network:Bind('GetQuality', function()
- end)
- Network:Bind('DisplayCandyToGemExchange', function(...)
- end)
- InputService:Initialize(Network)
- AchievementService:InitializeClient(Network)
- PetRendering:Initialize(Network)
- MusicService:Initialize()
- UIMaskService:Initialize()
- CapacityService:InitializeClient(Network)
- EggService:InitializeClient(Network)
- ItemCollectionService:InitializeClient(Network)
- for a, b in pairs(data) do
- if f then
- end
- UIMaskService:Mask('Overworld')
- local GetMaxSlots = Library('GetMaxSlots')
- local cost = EggService:GetCost(b.Name)
- HotkeyService:SetHotkeyToObject({
- Enum = Enum.KeyCode.E,
- Distance = 9,
- Function = function(ignore)
- local amount = data[index.CurrencyIndex(cost[1])]
- if ignore ~= true then
- end
- end
- if script.Parent:FindFirstChild('PetHatch') then
- end
- script.Parent.BuyEggFrame.EggName.Value = b.Name
- elseif ignore ~= true then
- local slots = GetMaxSlots.Pets(passes)
- local has = #Network:Call('GetClientData', index.PETS)
- GuiService:SetOverlay(true)
- GuiService:GetStorage().MaxEquipped.Visible = false
- else
- end
- end,
- if cost[1] ~= 'Robux' then
- local amount = data[index.CurrencyIndex(cost[1])]
- if ignore ~= true then
- end
- end
- if script.Parent:FindFirstChild('PetHatch') then
- end
- script.Parent.BuyEggFrame.EggName.Value = b.Name
- elseif ignore ~= true then
- local slots = GetMaxSlots.Pets(passes)
- local has = #Network:Call('GetClientData', index.PETS)
- GuiService:SetOverlay(true)
- GuiService:GetStorage().MaxEquipped.Visible = false
- else
- end
- end,
- if Network:Call('GetOwnedPasses')['Auto Egg'] true then
- else
- end
- })
- end
- for a, b in pairs(game.Workspace.Eggs:GetChildren()) do
- end
- game.Workspace.Eggs.ChildAdded:connect(function(obj)
- SetEgg(obj)
- if lowQuality true then
- game.Workspace.Pets,
- game.Workspace.Snow
- for i = 1, #parents do
- wait(0.25)
- if b:IsA('ParticleEmitter') then
- end
- obj.DescendantAdded:connect(function(des)
- if des:IsA(wait(0.1) and 'ParticleEmitter') then
- end
- end)
- for a, b in pairs(parents[i]:GetDescendants()) do
- b:Destroy()
- end
- end
- local delays = {}
- for a, b in pairs(game.Workspace.Checkpoints:GetChildren()) do
- local plr = game.Players:FindFirstChild(t.Parent.Name)
- return
- local plrName = plr.Name
- return
- delays[plrName] = true
- if table.find(checkpoints, b.Name) then
- Network:FireServer('TeleportToCheckpoint', b.Name)
- GuiService:CutsceneFade(false)
- delay(1, function()
- end)
- end
- do
- local debug_count = 0
- for a, b in pairs(game.Workspace.FloatingIslands:GetChildren()) do
- do
- if door then
- local plr = game.Players:FindFirstChild(t.Parent.Name)
- return
- local plrName = plr.Name
- return
- delays[plrName] = true
- Network:FireServer('TeleportToDoor', d.Name)
- GuiService:CutsceneFade(false)
- delays[plrName] = nil
- end)
- end
- end
- end
- local function ChatBubble(plr, msg, color)
- return
- if plr.Head:FindFirstChild('ChatBubble') then
- local bubbleType = '
- msg = string.sub(msg, 1, 65) .. '...'
- if string.len(msg) > 50 then
- elseif string.len(msg) > 30 then
- else
- end
- local bubble = script.ChatBubbles[bubbleType]:Clone()
- bubble.Backing.Old.ImageColor3 = color
- end)
- for a, b in pairs(plr.Head.ChatBubble:GetChildren()) do
- local bubbleNum = tonumber(string.sub(b.Name, 7))
- local trans = 0.2 * bubbleNum
- b.Position = b.Position - UDim2.new(0, 0, bubble.Size.Y.Scale, 0)
- b.Backing.Recent.Visible = false
- b.Backing.Old.ImageTransparency = trans
- if b.Backing:FindFirstChild('Emoji') then
- else
- end
- b:Destroy()
- end
- bubble.Parent = plr.Head.ChatBubble
- if bubble.Backing:FindFirstChild('Emoji') then
- else
- end
- wait(5)
- for i = 1, 100 do
- bubble.Backing.Old.ImageTransparency = bubble.Backing.Old.ImageTransparency + 0.01
- bubble.Backing.Recent.ImageTransparency = bubble.Backing.Recent.ImageTransparency + 0.01
- bubble.Backing.Emoji.ImageTransparency = bubble.Backing.Emoji.ImageTransparency + 0.01
- bubble.Backing.Chat.TextTransparency = bubble.Backing.Chat.TextTransparency + 0.01
- rs.Stepped:wait()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- Network:Bind('PlayerChatted', function(plr, msg, col)
- end)
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