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Education R Us

Transform how educators and students learn, work, and innovate together with free, secure tools from G Suite for Education. Explore G Suite for Education; Chromebooks. Make learning more. BER Home Bureau of Education & Research (BER) is a sponsor of staff development training for professional educators in the United States and Canada offering seminars, PD Kits, self-study resources, and Online courses.

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R Educationalgifs

The Association of Raza Educators (A.R.E) is a group of public school educators, university professors, students, and community allies committed to using education as a tool for the liberation of our community. We do this by organizing and mobilizing teachers, developing critical anti-racist liberation curriculum, and working with community organizations to ignite change. We believe that education is the first step in creating consciousness that leads to action. In these turbulent times, we know that it's just not enough to teach about social justice, we have to practice social justice in every facet our lives.

It is urgent that we address these issues through community organizing, using decolonizing pedagogy as a strategy for the promotion of democratic education in order to advance a critical social and political consciousness among our students, educators, and communities. We believe that our people must be organized and truly educated in order to take effective action against politicians, corporations, political organizations, and state institutions responsible for the oppression of our community.
We have launched several successful campaigns that include: Pressuring the Hispanic Scholarship Foundation to open their funds to undocumented students, defending teachers from unjust discipline, working with parents to eject racist administrators, raising over $100K in scholarships for undocumented students, and winning Ethnic Studies requirements in multiple school districts. A.R.E. is also a member of the Education for Liberation Network.